Ben Peterson

Gallery Weekend, September 5–8, 2019
Curated by Jim Ricks. Modulo Ciudadanos (Filadelfia and Nueva York), Colonia Nápoles, Mexico City.

Ben Peterson will be coming to Mexico City for a production and research residency. This project is done in conjunction with The Lab Program residency. The exhibition, Modelo Ciudadano or Model Citizen, is a play on words and will take place in one of the many brutalist small towers around the city called Modulos Ciudadonos, that now serve as ‘citizen information centers’.

Peterson will build maquettes from the everyday materials he encounters as a ‘tourist’ of public architecture and of the legacy of modernism in Mexico City. The sculptures will reflect their surroundings, existing equally as architectural models and cultural relics.The use of the public structure housing ,the Modulo Ciudadanos, connects Peterson’s research and production directly into the quotidian and functional workings of public architecture in the city.

Ben Peterson (b. 1977 Hawthorne, Nevada) received a BFA from California College of the Arts, San Francisco, in 2004. His recent sculptures introduce varied plaster and encaustic finishes, elaborating on the vocabulary of his past ceramic works. While drawing influence from the origins of modernist architecture – Constructivism and Brutalism – and the design of functional objects, Peterson’s sculptures are ultimately constructed according to intuition. Not modeled strictly after existing buildings or objects, his works oscillate between identities as architectural models, functional objects, and primitive totems. Ben Peterson is represented by Ratio 3 Gallery in San Francisco, California.

Selected solo exhibitions include The Pilgrim’s Progress, Ratio 3, San Francisco (2009), The Ownership Society, Mary Goldman Gallery, Los Angeles (2006), You Build It, We Burn It, Ratio 3, San Francisco (2006), and Nebraska, Ratio 3, San Francisco (2015). Selected group exhibitions include Spot Check, Academy Contemporary, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, PA (2008), Future Tense: Reshaping the Landscape, Neuberger Museum of Art, Purchase College, NY (2008), Recent Acquisitions Exhibit, Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, IN (2007),PLOT : PLAN : PROCESS: Works on Paper from the 1960s to Now, Leslie Tonkonow Artworks + Projects, New York, NY (2011), Urbanism: Reimagining the Lived Environment, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art (2011), Half Tilt Full Lean, Thomas Welton Stanford Art Gallery, Stanford, CA, (2014), The Present Tense, Ratio 3, San Francisco (2017) Chevalier, Stable Gallery, Santa Rosa, CA (2017) Detritus, San Jose ICA, San Jose, CA (2017) The Stand, P! Gallery, New York, NY (2017), and Way Bay, Berkeley Art Museum/ PFA, Berkeley, CA (2018 ) Artist residencies and awards include Pew Fellowship in the Arts (2009), Ujazadowski Castle, Warsaw, Poland (2007), Headlands Center for the Arts, Sausalito, CA (2006) and The Lab Program, Mexico City, México (2019). 


Ben Peterson está en la Ciudad de México para una residencia de producción e investigación. Este proyecto se realiza en conjunto con The Lab Program. La exhibición “Modelo Ciudadano” es un juego de palabras y tendrá lugar en una de las torres brutalistas de la ciudad llamada ‘Módulo Ciudadano’, la cual sirve como ‘centro de información ciudadana’.

Peterson construirá maquetas a partir de los materiales cotidianos que encuentra como “turista” de la arquitectura pública y del legado del modernismo en la Ciudad de México. Las esculturas reflejarán su entorno, existiendo igualmente como modelos arquitectónicos y reliquias culturales. El uso de la estructura de la vivienda pública, conecta la investigación y la producción de Peterson directamente con el funcionamiento cotidiano y de la arquitectura funcionalista de carácter público en la ciudad de México.

Ben Peterson (n. 1977 Hawthorne, Nevada) recibió un BFA de California College of the Arts, San Francisco, en 2004. Sus esculturas recientes introducen variados acabados en yeso y encáustica, elaborando sobre el vocabulario de sus obras cerámicas pasadas. Si bien la influencia de los orígenes de la arquitectura modernista, el constructivismo, el brutalismo, y el diseño de objetos funcionales, son parte relevante en las esculturas de Peterson, éstas se construyen también de acuerdo con la intuición del artista. Sus obras oscilan entre identidades como modelos arquitectónicos, objetos funcionales y tótems primitivos. Ben Peterson está representado por la galería Ratio 3 en San Francisco, California.

Las exhibiciones individuales destacadas incluyen: The Pilgrim’s Progress, Ratio 3, San Francisco (2009), The Ownership Society, Mary Goldman Gallery, Los Angeles (2006), You Build It, We Burn It, Ratio 3, San Francisco (2006) y Nebraska , Ratio 3, San Francisco (2015). Exhibiciones colectivas destacadas incluyen: Spot Check, Academy Contemporary, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, PA (2008), Future Tense: Reshaping the Landscape, Neuberger Museum of Art, Purchase College, NY (2008), Recent Acquisitions Exhibit, Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, IN (2007), PLOT: PLAN: PROCESS: Works on Paper from the 1960s to Now, Leslie Tonkonow Artworks + Projects, New York, NY (2011), Urbanism: Reimagining the Lived Environment, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art (2011) ), Half Tilt Full Lean, Thomas Welton Stanford Art Gallery, Stanford, CA, (2014), The Present Tense, Ratio 3, San Francisco (2017) Chevalier, Stable Gallery, Santa Rosa, CA (2017) Detritus, San Jose ICA , San José, CA (2017) The Stand, P! Gallery, Nueva York, NY (2017), y Way Bay, Berkeley Art Museum / PFA, Berkeley, CA (2018) Residencias y premios: Pew Fellowship in the Arts (2009), Ujazadowski Castle, Varsovia, Polonia (2007), Headlands Center for the Arts, Sausalito, CA (2006) y The Lab Program, Ciudad de México, México (2019).